shawn hunting for eggs |
emma found her easter basket |
emma & dexter |
shawn |
gus |
shawn hunting for eggs |
emma found her easter basket |
emma & dexter |
shawn |
gus |
front view of the dessert table |
side view |
crowns & tiaras for the princes and princesses. goody bags to take yummie candy home. |
homemade frog gummy candy skewers |
isn't this adorable? thanhha made the cupcakes and aaron frosted them. i made the cupcake toppers. |
these are adorable too! :) jars were borrowed from huong. |
i think this looks way better than the store bought ones. i found a template online, printed them, and strung them with ribbon. |
i meant to take a close-up of the banner because it had crowns on them - very cute. i bought the banner at target. |
the pom poms were homemade. i made ten of them and hung them in the front and backyard. instructions on how to make them are here. |
cotton candy! who does not love cotton candy? and no, we did not make these. i found them here. |
throne chair for the birthday princess. i know, the words were a little crooked, but oh well. :) |
what a beautiful birthday girl! |
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party guests |
mom & lauren (she is such a ham too! when i was taking her pictures earlier, she was posing, and then sat down, fanned out her dress, and tilted her head). sooo cute! |
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