Friday, April 30, 2010

Emma growling at garbage can

The walk this morning was on Calabazas, cross on Machado and went on the other side of Calabazas. As we were approaching the corner of Santa Maria, there was a garbage can on the sidewalk. Emma's body was all tense and so I looked ahead thinking that there was someone coming. I didn't see anyone. She then started to huff and puff and so I started to look for a squirrel. No squirrel. As we got closer to Santa Maria, I realized that it was the garbage can that she was huffing and puffing at. About one house away from the garbage can, Emma stopped and stared at the garbage can. She then wanted to get off the sidewalk and walk on the street. I didn't let her and pulled her back on the sidewalk. As we got closer to the garbage can, she walked way around it and still wasn't sure if it was a person (who I think she thinks is a dark person, that's why the huffing and puffing)or not. Hehe. So cute.

Here is the picture of Emma waiting for her walk last night. And every now and then Emma likes walking with the ball in her mouth. She wants to put down the ball, but when we go to grab it, she doesn't want us to have it and puts it in her mouth again. This goes on for about a block or two and then she forgets about her ball when she smells something more interesting than her ball.