Tuesday, July 6, 2010

proud parents

emma for the most part gets along with other dogs great, but when we take her on walks and there is a dog coming towards her, she would bark like crazy.  stacy from wag n train came out and taught me how to train emma not to bark - how to watch for her body language and to anticipate her barking.

i took emma to campbell park on sunday and see if i could train her not to bark at other dogs.  i had my two weapons in hand - a clicker and one of her favorite treats, cheese.  we were out there for an hour and she did great - not even a peep out of her.  small and big dogs were walking towards her and as soon as i clicked, emma sat and made eye contact with me.  i was so proud of her and i couldn't wait to come home and tell aaron.

yesterday we took emma to a park at rivermark and she did awesome too!   wow.  emma is definitely treats motivated.  now when she hears the clicker, she automatically sits down and make eye contact with you.  hopefully in time she won't need treats, but hey, as long as she's calm and doesn't bark at dogs, she could have all the treats she wants!

emma also learned how to shake - well, we say paw instead of shake.  we tried to say shake before, but she just didn't get it.  maybe we weren't doing it right :)  anyways, this weekend she got it!  we are proud parents of our little furry baby :)