Wednesday, December 22, 2010

washington photos - day 3

sharon made the snowman - so cute!  as you can see, we were bribing emma and dexter with treats so i could get a picture of them :)

emma is modeling

isn't this cute???  i am not that artistic - rhonda made them.

according to brynn, that is frosty the snowman's house :)

aaron shoveling snow as emma and dexter watches

dexter having fun in the snow.  at the beginning he always shivers, then he's okay after he runs around.

sharon made cookies for x-mas. 

aaron helped decorated them

brynn was watching and dexter was begging for crumbs :)

rhonda making swedish creams - one of my favorites :)

aaron is such a good helper!

brynn watching strawberry shortcake movie on my laptop :)