Tuesday, November 8, 2011

baby brooke

brooke came into the world on 9/30/11 and i finally got to meet her today.  she is so adorable!  i love the new baby smell - just like puppy smell.  what to get as gifts?  i decided to make blankets for brooke and bridget (older sister).  jackie loves them and thinking of having me make some for her sister.  don't worry jackie, i will send you the bill!  :)

as you can see, dexter is helping :)

blankie is so comfortable that dexter is falling asleep

ta-da! this one is for bridget.  aaron asked if i was going to keep it because it has little cute cupcake faces :)

this one is for brooke - i love the animal prints

mama and brooke

so adorable!!!  and her knittted hat was so cute too.