Friday, June 18, 2010


I am so glad it's the weekend. I was busy at work getting ready for my open enrollment meetings on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday I was in SF all day and Thursday I flew to Washington for the day. Whenever I fly somewhere, I always say hi to Riley, Sake, Nicky, Midnight, and Nickel (all our pets that we dearly miss). For some reason, I always feel that they keep me safe when I fly, cause I always get anxious. Sometimes I'm happy when I say hi to all of them and sometimes I have tears in my eyes cause I wish they were still here with us.

When I was in Washington, my client and I went to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch. I was surprised that she ordered pho. Why you may ask? Probably cause she was white and she was young. I then noticed that the lime green sweater I was wearing was the exact same color as what the employees were wearing. My client said she was surprised that no one asked me what they should order. Note to self: do not wear green next time I visit my client in Washington.

Work gave me a new laptop because my old one was so damn slow. I love it! Windows 7 is pretty easy to use.

I was watching Dr. Phil and it was about personalities. Aaron took it and he was a mouse. I took it and it says I'm a badger. Badger??? Aaron couldn't stop laughing. If you are interested in taking it, it's real short, click on Have fun!

Nothing much going on for Aaron and I this weekend. The usual routine - running, Costco, nap, walking Emma, and hanging out. :)