Friday, August 9, 2013

kyoto, japan - heian shrine

heian shrine is pretty too.  i love all the gardens at the different temples and shrines.  reminded me of hakone gardens, which is where aaron and i got married.

click here for some history of heian shrine.  and click here for six differences between a japanese shrine and japanese temple.


lanterns outside the entrance

"halfway to heaven"

these symbols means something, but i forgot what the tour guide said :)

looks like there is snow on the branches

white stuff are actually fortunes.  after you pray, you shake this metal box and a fortune stick comes out.  hand it to the cashier and she gives you your fortune.

if you like your fortune, you tie it on the branch so that it will come true.  if you don't like it, you keep it.  i kept mine - not necessarily because i like it, but for souvenir and also to ask my mom what it says (fortune is written in 3 languages - japanese, chinese, korean)