Tuesday, August 13, 2013

tokyo, japan - hachiko

a friend of ours told us about a movie called hachi, starring richard gere and joan allen.  i was balling at the end of the movie.  it is based on a true story from japan - hachiko (dog's name) would go with his owner to the train story every morning to see him off (he was a professor).  every afternoon hachiko would arrive at the station and waited for his owner.  one day his owner never showed up (he passed away), but hachiko, being the loyal dog that he is, waited and waited.  he waited for 9 years.  people would feed him and tried to give him a home, but he would always come back to the station.  in honor of hachiko, the people of japan built a statue in his honor and named the station exit after him.  of course i had to go see hachiko.